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How do I sign up for GEM?Visit our How to Use Gem page for more information on the different options of accessing the Greenlink Equity Map.
How do I verify my email?After completing your account log-in from your first sign-up, you will receive an email from that includes a verification link. Once you click the link, it will take you to a verification success page. If users need their confirmation codes resent to their email, please send an email to with the subject line, "Resend Confirmation Code."
I am a new member. How do I access GEM?New Members: Visit our page for more information on different options for accessing the Greenlink Equity Map. When signing up for the first time, you will enter your email address and choose a password. The page will then load a pop-up that requires additional information to notify us of your signup. Once we confirm your information, you will be notified of your approval. For both returning and new members, please note that the pop-up with red messaging of "An admin needs to activate your account and assign an organization," means your sign-up was successful. You will receive a confirmation from our team.
Is there a tutorial on how to use GEM?Yes! Please watch this brief video to learn how to use the new GEM platform:
How do I reset my password?To reset your password: Go to the login page. Click the “forgot password” link under the space to type in your password. Follow the instructions to reset your password code. Your password must be between 8 - 16 characters and contain at least 1 uppercase letter and 1 lower case letter and one special character. If the password reset link doesn't work, someone from the Greenlink staff can help verify you. Please contact us at
I haven’t received a password reset request. What should I do now?If you went through the steps of resetting your password but have not received an email within 15 minutes, try the following: Check your spam folder to ensure the email was not sent there, and in the future, you can update your spam folder to allow emails from Double check the spelling of your email address to ensure that a typo was not made. Try submitting your password request again in case the interference was an issue. If you have conducted all of these steps and you’re still having trouble, please book an office hour with us or contact us directly at the email
Is GEM open source?As of right now, GEM is not open source. Free access to GEM is granted only to city staff and local community-based organizations located in our 50 leadership cities, as well as local community-based organizations that make under 5 million dollars per year anywhere in the country We would be happy to discuss subscription access if you feel that you do not fall into one of these categories. You can schedule a demo or email us at
Can you tell me more about the GEM platform?About Greenlink Analytics Greenlink Analytics is an Atlanta-based 501(c)(3) consultancy focused on energy and equity research. Our advanced data analytics deliver detailed, accurate, and novel insights on the economic, social, and environmental impacts of energy use. We partner with community-based organizations, cities, and other leaders to inspire change from the ground up. Advisors A team of practitioners with deep backgrounds in city government, community organizing, participatory action research, energy policy, facilitation, and climate justice action provides ongoing insights into our tools and processes. The project team members are involved in prominent projects in the field, including Zero Cities, 100 Percent Cities, and Bloomberg Philanthropies' American Cities Climate Challenge. Funding The GEM platform currently receives funding from the following sources: The Kresge Foundation Bloomberg Philanthropies Our previous funders include: Energy Foundation Partners Greenlink Analytics is proud to partner with Upright Consulting Services Developer GEM was developed in collaboration with Tyrannosaurus Tech
What makes GEM different from other equity tools?Our analysis is based on a peer-reviewed methodology that utilizes high-resolution data from the Census Bureau. Data from nearly 75,000 census tracts are processed and cleaned to calculate burdens at a neighborhood level across the entirety of the US. Our methodology has since been reviewed and approved by a number of academics, including Nobel Prize winners, professors in energy justice, and administrators and evaluators of the California Transformative Climate Communities program. Our data has been vetted by utilities, published in several peer-reviewed articles, and used in regulatory and legislative settings. We have newly included 2019 data and have more features that will be added such as urban heat island, burden tree canopy, transportation burden and redlining data, as well as an equity index, user data input functionality, and change over time data indicator to measure our progress and inform stronger climate equity goals that communities identify as needs.
Where do the data in GEM come from? How often are the data updated?Please refer to our Equity Indicators document for a full list of indicators, definitions, sources of data, year of data, and how often the data is updated.
What methodology was used to calculate energy burden?Our analysis is based on a peer-reviewed methodology that primarily utilizes high-resolution data from the Census Bureau. Data from nearly 75,000 census tracts are processed and cleaned to calculate the utility burdens at a neighborhood level across the entirety of the US. You can view a description of our methodology on our Equity Map page and download our methodology here:
How does Greenlink define energy burden? How do I know if an area has a high energy burden?Energy burden is the percent of median yearly income that households pay for electricity and gas bills. Our indicators show the number of households with energy burdens above the 3% national average, the 6% threshold for high energy burden, or the 10% threshold for severe energy burden across different census tracts.
Some census tracts in my city have extremely low median incomes. Is this normal?Yes. There may be some census tracts with median incomes as low as $3,000-$5,000. These are considered special use cases and are usually geographies that contain a military base, college or university campuses, or group quarters.
Some data do not pop up when I hover over some census tracts. Is this normal?Yes, there are some census tracts that we do not have data for. These tracts usually are military bases or prisons.
Can I download the GEM data?Yes! In the box where you set your indicators, you will see at the bottom that there is an option to download the data and maps. If you press the download button, it will allow you to download the data as a CSV data file or PNG map.
Is there a tutorial to learn how to use GEM?Yes! Please watch this brief video to learn how to use the new GEM platform:
What is the process guide?The GEM Process Guide for City-Community Partnerships by lead author and expert facilitator Rosa Gonzalez (Facilitating Power) was created specifically for city staff working towards deepening collaboration with the communities they serve. The Process Guide details emerging best practices and guidance for working in partnership with community organizations to develop a shared analysis of equity data and maps. You can download the Process Guide here:
What is the Community of Practice?The Community of Practice supports community-based leaders and city staff using the GEM platform who are committed to learning more about how data and mapping can advance climate equity and environmental justice goals. Monthly calls, network building, and resource sharing help users learn from each other and build productive relationships between communities most negatively impacted by climate change and city government. Through peer consultancy, leadership, and participation, Community of Practice members develop skills and troubleshoot challenges creating solutions for racially equitable climate action. You can join the community of practice here.
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