Our data help create robust policies, programs, and laws that address climate change and rectify a history of injustice.
With intersectional data for every census tract in the United States, GEM is a powerful and effective tool.
Cities, states, and organizations across the country are using GEM to reduce their carbon emissions, upgrade the grid through energy efficiency and clean power sources, channel funding towards disinvested communities, and advance community-driven processes.
GEM's data come from both public and proprietary sources and are reviewed by researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Michigan, the University of Wisconsin Madison, and the University of California Los Angeles.
Non-white communities are disproportionately harmed by environmental and socioeconomic hazards and are far more likely to live in areas with extreme weather events, heavy pollution, fragile infrastructure, and high energy bills.
We seek to correct the flawed policies that led to these conditions and advise regulations that work to create regenerative, inclusive, and fair neighborhoods for all.
To get there, city and state governments need to approach climate solutions through a racial equity lens and work collaboratively with the communities most negatively impacted. Community-driven climate policies foster long-term solutions while avoiding collateral damage that comes without community buy-in.
Our Impacts
A Process Guide for
City-Community Collaboration
Our Process Guide for City-Community Collaboration is a framework for implementing a collaborative process at the city and residential level. Alongside GEM, the Process Guide serves as an influential model for shifting norms, institutionalizing accountability, and distributing resources to highest areas of need.
What People are Saying About GEM
"This is phenomenal! One of the most beautiful things I've seen in my time in this job."
Brandy Brown, Former Climate and Energy Advisor, Michigan Department of Environment
Karen Apple, Electric Vehicle Program Manager, Office of Sustainability, City of Phoenix, AZ
"The addition of GEM to Greenlink Analytics’ services to gather intelligence from your maps is truly fantastic service and one that will greatly help cities on their journey towards more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable communities."
Chris Castro, Former Director, Office of Sustainability & Resilience, City of Orlando
“When we saw the GEM app, I said this is it. This is the information we needed! It’s so helpful to have something we can show as visual and spatial proof. Group facilitation practices in the Community of
Practice are so helpful; I have learned so much from experts in the field across the country."
Cheyenne Flores, Former Climate Resilience Fellow at the City of Philadelphia